Monday, May 7, 2012

Where Do I Type?

Is this live chat?  Hello. Live chat? So, is this where I type? I am trying to start a blog...well I kind of already blog in a way on facebook but that isn't really a blog because you have to be my friend to read it. Is that what makes a blog a blog....people you don't like can read it? I hope so because there are a lot of people out there that I don't like. I don't guess I shouldn't put it that way because there are a lot of people out there that I don't even know at all and  I might like them a lot. I am just saying that out of the people that I do know, well, I guess you get the drift. 

Are you still there live chat? I'll just keep posting as I know it takes a while for this to get to India. I hope you are having good weather over there. I had some chicken curry the other night and it was really good. Do you have blogs over there or do you guys just do live chat with bloggers from here? I guess in a way you blog all the time but just one person gets to see it. Hello?

So anyway, I am trying to start a blog because my friends think it is a good idea and I do want to make myself write more. I figure if I tell everyone that I have a blog, then they might go check it out or tell a friend and then I'll be forced to write something so that I don't have an empty blog page. Nobody wants to stare at an empty blog screen....actually, I guess I shouldn't say "nobody". Some people might prefer a blank screen to reading where somebody just blabbed on and on about nothing, blah, blah, blah. I had a great uncle who stared at his TV for hours every night before he went to bed. That screen hadn't worked for five years; it was just black and white dots but he loved to look at it anyway.

Live chat are you there yet? You may be typing or using Google translate; take your time. I"ll just be pressing a few buttons while I wait and that will probably bring up some additional topics for you to cover. I'll bet you have heard it all. Do you enjoy what you do? I'll bet there is never a dull moment...unless no one asks you a question. I guess if no one asks you a question then it isn't live chat that's  Do you have to use spellcheck or is it automatic with your software program? I use spellcheck all the time. If I didn't, people would think I was some kind of idiot.  I will have a few more questions when you come online.

  1. There really are a lot of buttons here aren't there? How did you ever learn all this?
  2. Did you go to Microsoft University? 

Ooops sorry, family picture. I don't know how that got here. How do I delete this? I didn't mean to put a wedding pic in here. That's Dooley and Brenda Faye's special day. The dog's name is Peaches. Anyway, as you can see I am learning a lot of stuff here and this has been very helpful. I still can't believe how many buttons y'all have got here. 

Well live chat, it may be morning time over there but it is late here and this'un has got to head to bed. I've enjoyed the visitation and look forward to mastering this blog thing. I have a feeling you are the silent type but you seem real nice. When you get a chance, shoot me an e-mail with the answers to how I make this thing work right and how I get it started. I want to do this thing right. I wouldn't want to do anything that would make a bad first impression.
  • After all, I am a professional


  1. Finally!!! I have been waiting for you to do this for a long time, Mark! It just wouldn't be worth living every day if I couldn't have me some Mark Perry humor!!! Way to go! Yippie yi yay!

    1. Ha! Thanks Keith. I think you are my first reader. I am not sure about this whole blog thing. The thought that people might read it is giving me performance anxiety. I usually just type before I think and now I am a bit skeered to do it. I know, that's silly and yes I will get over it. It's weird how our minds can play tricks on us though.
